Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Rectify stop 0x00000001 Error In Windows Vista

Also known as 'Blue Screen of Death, a STOP error message appears when Windows encounters a serious error. It mainly occurs due to any hardware or software issues. But, sometimes you see a STOP error due to mismatch of thread and Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) indexes. The worst thing about a STOP error is that, it halts the booting process of the system, which leads to inaccessibility of hard drive data. A backup file on another storage device in such situations comes in handy for recovering the data. However, if you have not maintained any backup file or the backup goes corrupt, then you can use a hard disk recovery software to recover your data completely. 
 To give you a better understanding of the whole problem, let us take an example Suppose, you are trying to boot your Windows Vista based computer and you see a STOP error occurs on the blue screen that states:
 STOP 0x00000001, 0x00000001 (Parameter 1, Parameter 2, Parameter 3, Parameter 4) APC_INDEX_MISMATCH
 After this STOP error, the system will not boot. Hence, you will not have any access to your hard drive data. 
 This STOP error may occur due to any of the following reasons:
 Virus Infection
 Memory corruption.
 Excess of RAM (Random Access Memory) 
 A mismatch of thread and APC indexes created by kernel-level application or a device driver running in kernel mode. 
 Issues with newly installed driver, hardware or software.
 Problems in win32k.sys (Windows system file). 
 When a STOP error occurs, you are left with no other choice but to restart the system and troubleshoot the problem. So, you can use any of the following troubleshooting measures to resolve the issue:
 Run an anti-virus software.
 Ensure that all the newly installed hardware or software are compatible with the system. 
 Check the system's RAM.
 To check whether the memory is corrupted or not, run Memory Diagnostic Tools on Vista. 
 Restart Windows using Last Known Good Configuration option.
 If this does not work, then restart the system and hold F8 key before Windows logo appears and select the Repair the computer option in the Advanced Boot menu.
 Then choose Startup Repair option from the menu for System Recovery Options and the startup repair process will start repairing the computer. 
 However, if none of these measures help you, then you need to reformat the drive and re-install the operating system, which would result in deletion of the hard drive data. Or, recover deleted data using a powerful disk recovery application that recover all lost, missing or inaccessible data from the hard drive via its efficient scanning algorithms. In addition, the disk data recovery applications enable you to use them with ease, without any prior technical knowledge.
 Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is a quality software that completely recovers and restores all the data from the formatted drive. This hard disk recovery application can be used to recover data from FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, VFAT, NTFS, and NTFS5 based file systems. This read-only tool also provides various features, like Disk Cloning, Disk Imaging, etc. This utility is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000.

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